How Can We delete a status update on Goodreads?

How Can We delete a status update on Goodreads?


To remove a status update (progress update) from Goodreads:

  1. Navigate to the book page with which your status update is associated
  2. Scroll down to the My Activity section


How Can We delete a status update on Goodreads?


[web_stories title=”true” excerpt=”false” author=”false” date=”false” archive_link=”true” archive_link_label=”” circle_size=”150″ sharp_corners=”false” image_alignment=”left” number_of_columns=”1″ number_of_stories=”3″ order=”ASC” orderby=”post_date” view=”circles” /]

  1. Click on Show more under Status
  2. Click on the percentage to the right of the update you’d like to delete
  3. On the resulting page, click on Delete this status update at the top right

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